Fred Laughter's Consulting Services: Marketing Strategist, Business Analyst, Publisher, Writer, Graphic Designer, Entrepreneur Coach

Knowledge Engineering LLC


Start-up social media with discovery platform to match seekers and providers in Skype-like sessions, for free or for a fee paid to the providers.


Organized company, recruited management team, developed business model, business plan, financial forecasts, enterprise valuation, brands, SEO, private placement memorandum, subscription agreement, term sheet, graphic user interface, IP strategy, invented patent-pending matching algorithms.

Bitcoin and Ripple XRP


Three start-up companies (2012-2013) including a Bitcoin Facebook app builder, a Bitcoin and ripple XRP managed fund, and a Ripple Network Gateway that converts $$$ to/from digital currency.


Wrote operating agreements for LLC and LP, sales literature, website copywriting, Powerpoint presentation, term sheet, subscription agreement, memorandum of understanding with strategic partner, LP documents, press release, executive summary and strategic plan, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Compliance Program.

600-page tech book: "Series Compensation of Power Systems"


European industrial company saw the need for getting technical information to electric power grid planning engineers in support of marketing multi-million-dollar series capacitor banks on long-distance high-voltage power lines.


Edited, designed, and published 600-page technical book, "Series Compensation of Power Systems" (1996) for power grid engineers; the book is regarded as the "classic" reference work for advanced-degreed engineers responsible for ensuring power network stability and reliability.

Might E. Microbe and the Microbial Action Team for bioremediation


Bioremediation firm sought a friendly way to explain its value proposition to investors, prospective clients, and their clients' customers.


Created and cartooned Might E. Microbe, the Microbial Action Team, and assorted eco-villains; previewed the cartoon storytelling strategy by producing the company's annual report (2004); provided missionary marketing through; developed Spanish-language cartoon books for distribution by the Office of the Governor of Puebla, Mexico.

Project to facilitate launch of GPS-based luggage tags for global travel industry


Developer of GPS-based luggage tags (2011-2012) sought investors and greater traction with potential strategic partners in the global travel industry, including the world's largest airlines.


Analyzed and refined the business model and financial forecasts; recommended original brandnames, conducted USPTO trademark searches; created executive summary, business plan, Powerpoint presentations, memoranda of understanding with major carriers; reviewed and amended agreements with investment bankers.

Golf Resorts International magazine, business plan, invention of wireless RE comps handheld device


Real estate developer (and co-developer of The Farms Golf Course near Rancho Santa Fe, CA) planned to start a golf resorts membership club and glossy magazine, in conjunction with developing destination golf resorts worldwide.


Developed 200-page business plan and financial forecasts for the magazine; created 24-page prototype of the pre-launch promotional issue (1/3rds golf, luxury resorts, and golf RE); invention (1994) of wireless handheld data device for RE comps via satellite data streams.

Progress Magazine in China, with editorial focus on the international business of science and technology


Start-up company that published Chinese-language business magazine, distribution to China's ten thousand top managers across all industries including energy, financial services, agriculture, manufacturing, construction, etc.


Searched, found, and negotiated with prospective Chinese co-publishers; organized California c-corp, served as President/Publisher (1988-1996); business concept, business plan, PPM, investor presentations; created all editorial content in 64-page issues of the full-color magazine, managed editorial review by Exec. VPs at Fortune 500 firms; sold advertising to US companies at their offices in New York, Hong Kong, Beijing.

Copyright 2013 Fred Laughter


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