Knowledge Engineering LLC is seeking

Joint Venture image

This page provides information to individuals and organizations that may be interested in participating in the Joint Venture, summarized below.

The sponsors of this Joint Venture are Knowledge Engineering LLC and Fred Laughter. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to invest.

The business of the Joint Venture is to build and license software that serves as the infrastructure for members of a credit union to manage their individual accounts in their choice of any of several denominations of currency: US Dollars, Canadian Dollars, Hong Kong Dollars, Euros, Yen, and digital currencies: Bitcoin, ripple XRP; and for members of a credit union to be able to transfer funds via smart-device app from one account to another account within the same credit union, or between accounts at different participating credit unions. This software infrastructure supports a host of previously unavailable services for retailing human know-how and just-in-time one-on-one videochat billable sessions.

First Direct Credit Union is a development-stage enterprise that shares the vision: credit union members who want to find and contact experts who are fellow-members of the credit union, engage in one-on-one videosessions, and pay the expert by a transfer of funds via their credit union accounts.

The greater opportunity is for the Joint Venture to provide branded services (Skillzer™ and others) that match rated experts with paying customers via mobile or any broadband device, and transact payment-for-service using a math-based digital currency such as ripple XRP from Opencoin.

Joint Venture graphic






The proposed Joint Venture will organize as a new company, with the following business components or affiliates:

  • New Talent: Executive managers and senior managers who provide substantial value during the business development stages of build-and-launch, rapid growth, and strategic business exit.
  • First Direct Credit (, a start-up credit union that will serve individuals wanting videomultimedia services integrated with transactions of math-based digital currency and government-backed currency. First Direct will be a member-owned not-for-profit credit union cooperative that will serve as the Joint Venture Company''s initial test-site for new software that allows transfers of digital currency from one member-account to another.
  • Knowledge Engineering LLC, organized in 2012, provides the business model and intellectual properties in support of person-to-person videochats with experts for free or fee. The intellectual properties include URLs, brands, plans, and rights of first-refusal on patents pending for matching algorithms that pair seekers and providers of real-time human-based information via videochat.
  • Software development group or company, to build the infrastructure for credit union functions and for the transfer of digital cash between and among members of multiple credit unions.
  • Investors, providing approx. $350k to $750k net for Round 1, and $3M to $8M in Round 2 funding, with a business exit strategy through the sale of brands and operations in approximately 24 months after funding, subject to market conditions at the time.

Knowledge Engineering LLC organized in California in 2012. The business of the LLC is the development and launch of services via broadband internet and mobile to support the discovery of experts in various subjects, scheduling an online appointment, and a videochat session -- either for free (if the expert is a free volunteer), or for a fee (if the expert is paid). Skillzer is the LLC's flagship brand.

This is a new industry: experts-on-videochat for free or payable by the minute or by the session. Imagine... if LinkedIn members could consult online for free or for fees -- it's the future of business networking. The Joint Venture is positioned to innovate and prosper in this potentially vast new market.

Skillzer from Knowledge Engineering LLC

The Skillzer business model invites a few key questions (for the Answers, see below).

Question #1: how to ensure that processing the payment for services from the consumer to the provider of information is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations for U.S. money service businesses (MSB), anti-money laundering (AML), know your customer (KYC), etc.;

#2: how to determine if the consumer has sufficient funds in an accessible wallet or bank-like debit or credit account in order to be able to pay for the scheduled session if the session is with a knowledge provider expecting payment;

#3: how to pay the knowledge provider with minimal time delay and with minimal processing/handling charges; and

#4: how to charge nominal fees (1¢ or 2.5¢ or 5¢ or 10¢) for various services offered to members, in order to open the business model to new revenue streams and to drive the creation of micro-billable services for members.

Answers: #1 and #2 = credit unions, #3 and #4 = ripple XRP

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Smartphones, Smart People, Smart Money


First Direct Credit Union ( plans to launch and operate as a not-for-profit member-controlled credit union cooperative. The new credit union will be administered by a professional manager and financial services provider who is experienced in govt.-regulated financial industries.


1DCU logos

Initially most of's founding credit union members will be business and technical professionals who want to provide consulting advice online via videochat with end-of-session payment for services. In the future, will serve as the beta site for payments-for-service between members of different credit unions.

GLOBAL & USA MARKETS: In the US, there are 96 million consumers with accounts at one or more of the approx. 7,350 US credit unions. According to the World Counsel of Credit Unions, in 2010 there were 52,945 credit unions in 100 countries around the world. Collectivley, they served 188 million members and oversaw US $1.5 trillion in assets.

Skillzer™ and the Joint Venture's software infrastructure intend to provide credit unions in the US and globally with competitive advantages: giving members new ways to generate income as experts-on-demand, as well as the convenience of being technologically empowered to exchange currencies, and enabled to transfer funds within and between credit unions.


Bitcoin and Ripple XRP

IN 2013

Bitcoin and ripple XRP are math-based digital currencies that each became global economies greater than $1 Billion during Q1/Q2 of 2013.

Math-based digital currencies allow billable increments in fractions of a penny. Because ripple is also a meta-currency, US Dollars can be converted to/from math-based digital currencies (Bitcoin, ripple XRP) as well as to/from multiple government-backed currencies such as US Dollars, Euros, Yen, Australian Dollars, Canadian Dollars, etc. The conversion only requires a few seconds and the cost is < 1% transaction fee.

As an alternative to MasterCard/VISA, digital currencies are more versatile, offer faster transaction times, lower costs, do not involvle credit-card APR charges, and do not support charge-backs.

The proposed Joint Venture's larger business opportunity is to provide software and services to digital currency credit unions, a market with strong growth potential. The killer app for market growth could be Skillzer or other Joint Venture brands.


F2F4S provides facetime with sports experts™ and™ are the proposed Joint Venture's experts-on-demand brands to help consumers with their fantasy sports leagues, March Madness bracketology, predicting the winners and spreads in competitive sporting events and races, etc.

Experts-on-demand with instant payment through participating credit unions could be a billion-dollar-per-year business that is owned, operated and sold by the Joint Venture. Are you game?


Copyright 2013 Fred Laughter


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