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This page shows sample search results on GreenAwakening's Contact page.

On the left side of the page is found the Government Contact search results for a ZIP postal code (in this example, "98027" in the state of Washington, USA). The Federal and State government contacts are provided by's Green Team volunteers. The local government officials will be added by future members of

On the right side are Media Contacts search results for the keyword "Everglades." The GreenAwakening volunteers will provide hundreds of media contacts prior to launch of, and the site will encourage future members to add more contacts.

When a government or media contact is added, that individual is contacted with an invitation to review and correct the information presented. Thereafter, editorial control of changes is hierarchically in the hands of the Green Team volunteers; secondly, the individual named in the contact; and thirdly the person who initially added the individual to the database of contacts. The volunteers typically will defer to the suggestions of the individual named and the originator.

By auto-contacting government and media contacts, will build communities of individuals and organizations that profoundly influence public pressure and government responsiveness of public pressure.

The Government and Media Contacts can also be used to promote environmental events (festivals, teach-ins, clean-ups, etc.) by inviting local officials and letting bloggers and others spread the word.

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